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Project Life, Week 1, 2015

I debated for a while if I was going to do project life...well attempt it again this year.  Last year I only made it to April, but I do plan to go back and finish it.  I do have a lot of partially done pages that just need to be finished off. 
Anywho, I've started this year off to a great start.  I'm actually getting
into a really good rhythm.  First, I discovered that I have to keep my pages simple.  Second, I've found how I like to print my photos and how to use them on the pages.  This has made the pages I've made so far go much quicker and I can actually get a page done in one night.  I'm a slow scrapper so that is amazing to me.  I just hope I can keep it up.
I usually like to use left over bits for my project life, but I could resist digging into a few new things that I picked up.  I couldn't resist picking up the I Am 6x6 pad from Simple stories and Frosty friends from doodlebug.  I had to use them right away.  I know the wooden hearts and I think the wooden frame were picked up from the closing of my local scrapbook store.  A big pet chain store wanted to expand so they terminated the scrapbook store lease and a couple other little stores.  They couldn't find a new place, so they had to close up.  Major bummer!  I tried to use up a bunch of gold embellishments.  I'm not a fan of gold and never ever use it, but it seems to be all the rage right now.  I have way too much of it.  I don't mind gold with purple though.  If only there was more purple in all the new stuff coming out!


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