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Scrapbooking, Meeting Baby Brother

Happy Monday!  Wow, where did January go?  I feel like it has been a while since I made any pages and that's because it has.  We traveled back east for Christmas and like every year, we got stuck and our visit with our families was extended a bit.  When we did eventually get back, we had lots of things to work on at our house.  The day we went to fly east the shower door broke and so did the dryer.  The dryer got fixed quickly, but the shower door is still not fixed.  We needed this little stupid black piece and I drove all over Seattle trying to find it.  Turns out it is called a bottom shower door plastic pivot and finally we found it online and now I'm waiting for it to come.  We also had a gutter to fix.  Oh the joys of homeownership! 
Anyways, I did manage to make one page in January and that was for The Memory Nest's make it monday sketch challenge.  I was really feeling a purple page, but I realized I have very little purple.  I had a few purple papers, mist, paint, and one paper clip, but that was about it!  I couldn't even find purple enamel dots!  So then I went on a quest to find more purple embellishments.  I can't believe how few lines have purple!  Even rainbow ones seem to not be using purple.  Craziness!  The few things I did find were very lilac.  I want to see some beautiful dark purple out there!  You know what would be awesome?  A cool purple valentines line.  Just watch, next year will be the year where everything is purple.
So now that I got those random tangents out let me talk about my page.  I really wanted to play with gel medium some more, so I made the dot background using it.  Then I used some watercolor to make the drip background.  I was going to use gelatos, but I didn't have the right shades of green.  I tried to use up some embellishments that have been siting on my desk for a long time.  I finally used the "like" rubons from Heidi Swap.  I really liked them and had kind of been afraid to use them, but I finally told my self that it was time to use them up.  Do you ever find you have embellishments that you like so much you don't want to use them?  Well, it turns out that they were very difficult to actually get onto the paper.  I have found that some rubons go on so easily and others are awful.  These were awful. Now I know that the rest of the sheet has to be used more for background with the plan of covering them up.  So sad.  At least I got them on clearance!


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