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Scrapbooking, Stayin' Cool

I think I may have jinxed myself with this layout.  I made this layout a little while ago for the Memory Nest.  Since I have made this layout we have had a horrible heat wave.  It has been in the 90s every single day for a week.  If I lived in Florida or Texas or some place like that I wouldn't think anything of it, but I live in Seattle.  It's supposed to stay in the 70s.  Nobody has air conditioning, so there is no place to go and cool down.  It stinks.  Plus, my upstairs flooded on wednesday.  The toilet in the kids bathroom failed.  While my kids and I were eating lunch, the water rushed into the hallway and down into my daughter's bedroom.  I tell myself, at least it was at clean water.  My daughter was the first to notice and told me she was hearing a strange noise.  It took every towel I own (25 big ones) to soak up the water.  Each one of the towels was completely soaked up.  I'm still washing the towels. So we had to have water damage people come and they put in these big machines and special HEAT fans to dry everything out.  It was a cool 104 at night and a sizzling 120 during the day.  Windows had to stay closed and the upstairs was sealed off.  We had this big plastic sheet at the top of the stairs with a zipper.  It was an inferno.
This is what it looked like the first night in my house.  Not all the fans are shown.

This is day two.  The floor is up in the bathroom and the ceiling and insulation is out in the garage  The second night was the worst.  These fans are LOUD.  Plus some were going under the carpet upstairs, so the heat was going under into our bedroom making the floor hot and almost impossible to walk on.  Thankfully, we are all dry now but down a bathroom.
Anyways, sorry I didn't talk at all about my layout.  The photos are from a few years back that I never got around to scraping till now.  I still have yet to add journaling onto it.  I think I'll add a tag to the top for it.  It's been to hot and to crazy for me to even think about it.  Oh and my daughter is starting an early kindergarten program at her school and I'm not sure I'm emotionally ready for it!  She even has to ride the bus.  Life is crazy!


  1. Oh you poor things! I can't imagine coping with the flood and the aftermath! Glad you are back to some sort of normalcy although we had a heat wave for a day and that was enough!
    As for your gorgeous layout it is super cute and so summery! Love the paper that matches your daughters costume and the glitter letters. xx

  2. OMG! How absolutely awful! We had unbearably hot weather here in the UK too and we're not geared up for it either, but now I feel lucky after reading what else you had to put up with. Hope you're getting straight again now. And by the way your page is fabulous. Loving that stripy paper and how it picks up on the stripy costumes. xx


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