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Scrapbooking, Two Months


Ever make a big mistake on a layout?  Well, let me share my layout for the Memory Nest's Make it Monday.  So, I had the sketch and I had an idea what I wanted to do.  I was going to do this cool gelato background and it ended up being a big mess.  So, I put to the side and tried again.  I made this page you see....well kind of what you see.  Originally, I put a nice wooden one and wrote all about my little guy's first month milestones.  When I went to put the layout away, I realized that I had the wrong month.  These were actually his second month of life photos.  Whoops!  I could switch out the wooden number easily, but the journaling was more tricky to fix.  I had written right onto the page, so I had to cover up my old journaling with new journaling.  This made the page very right side heavy.  Then I had to add some more bits on the left side to help it a bit.  It came out fine in the end, but I was in a bit of a panic for a while.  I wasn't positive I was going to be able to fix it.



  1. Love your layout and take on the sketch Saskia! Your little guy is one Beautiful Baby too! I believe "mistakes" are "just another an opportunity to embellish!" and you did a wonderful job "fixing" the layout - we would never know if you didn't share your secret - but in doing so, I am sure you have helped someone faced with a similar problem! Yes, we did add a banner in the same place on the layout - great scrappy minds think alike! :-)

  2. I absolutely LOVE what you did with the DT sketch...the stitching is a brilliant interpretation!

  3. Super page. And haven't we all had a similar mishap at some point! Well disguised though, I'd never have known.


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